MERRY CHRISTMAS mga Langga! We pray that you may receive the love that Jesus brings. In this episode, we want to share some gift ideas that can have a permanent impact in your relationships beyond what the gifts under the Chr...
Do you want a RESTFUL Christmas? If you want to rest, reflect, and rejuvenate during the holidays, you’ll have to be very intentional about doing so. In this season, it’s easy to slip into a people-pleasing mode just to keep ...
Have you read the BOOK of your LIFE? Pope Francis said "Our life is the most precious “book” we have been given, a book that unfortunately many do not read, or rather they do so too late, before dying." As we continue on disc...
What does your your ‘I love you’ mean? Join us in this episode as we talk about what the words "I love you" really mean. In a world where these phrase is taken for granted, we revisit what it truly means for us as followers o...
What do you want from your life? As we continue in unboxing the Catechesis of Discernment by Pope Francis, we discuss in today's episode - DESIRE. Discernment is a form of searching, and searching always stems from something ...
Do you really know yourself? As we continue unboxing the Catechesis on Discernment, we talk about the other element that makes a good discernment: Self-Knowledge. According to Pope Francis, discernment involves our human facu...
How do you relate to Jesus? As we continue on discussing the Catechesis on Discernment, we discuss the message of how prayer is fundamental in discerning. According to Pope Francis - Prayer is an indispensable aid for spiritu...
Do you love me for what I am? It's a tough question to ask and it's an every day question we have to be able to face even with 43 years as your mileage in a relationship. We finally got the chance to have our 2nd guest for th...
Do you DISCERN? Last August 31st, Pope Francis launched a new series of catecheses focusing on discernment. We want to share and discuss that in the podcast and give some insights, hopefully. What is discernment to begin with...
It's a random reflection episode today talking about LIFE & DEATH. Join us as we reflect on what we've been going through this past few weeks and on how the Langga spoke to us through these moments. -------------------------...
When times get tough, when circumstances become so hard, we find ourselves numb or overwhelmed or both at the same time. These are the times where it is so hard to see or even acknowledge God’s goodness and presence in our wa...
DO YOU FEEL HOPELESS? Well we do, every now and then more so you may even feel like we're living in a hopeless world. But then again, if we lose hope, we lose everything. That's why in this episode, we wanna share how we can ...
TOXIC NGA BA? A Psychologist named Dr. John Gottman’s claimed that he can watch a couple have a discussion on any topic for 15 minutes and with 90% accuracy, determine if they’re headed to divorce or if they’re going to be fi...
ARE YOU WORRYING A LOT? Super daling mag-worry, as in minsan walang ka-effort effort. But it’s essential to move away from it. Sabi nga nila, “Worry is like praying for something you do not want to happen.” Worrying prevents ...
ARE YOU SUPPORTING YOUR LANGGA? Dreaming together is part of a couple's journey. The opportunity to pursue a dream is indeed a blessing from God. There is something special about seeing a couple support each other in their d...
Salamat Langga! It is essential however to be intentional in making the attitude of gratitude grow in your journey. It’s needed to maintain harmony and happiness in the relationship. So we want to touch base on gratitude in t...
ARE YOU INSECURE? Today is all about insecurity. We all know that in order for us to have healthy relationships yet instead of nurturing a healthy interaction with others in our circle, this insecurity sabotages it. Even when...
WHAT ARE YOUR INNER MONSTERS? This episode is from the JEWELS 2021 Conference session given by Apple. In this one she shares about her journey with Overthinking, Anxieties, Worries, and All The Things That Steal Genuine Happi...
In today’s episode, we’re going to talk about DISCERNMENT . Discernment involves all the experiences of our lives — how God has called and formed us. A healthy discernment puts our gifts into focus and, equally important, cut...
HOW CAN WE PRAY DEEPER TOGETHER? Continuing from episode 125, we share more tips from Fr. Michael Denk, last time we did VOCAL prayer tips this time we’ll touch base on meditative forms and contemplative ones. In this episode...
DO YOU GIVE THE BEST VERSION OF YOU? It's so easy to give our best in the initial stages of a relationship. In reality, when a relationship is headed towards marriage or more so in one, we sometimes find ourselves giving less...