In Betweens Episodes

Aug. 13, 2023

LSP 173: How to Be Wealthy (Without Losing Your Soul?) with Jonathan …

Is it really possible to be WEALTHY, without losing your SOUL? In this episode, we had a joy-filled conversation with one of the hosts of The Catholic Money Show and co-founder of WalletWin , a financial startup that helps ev...

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July 17, 2023

LSP 171: Work Is Not A Curse

Is your WORK a CURSE? FACT - Our lives are gonna be spent working. In this episode, we discuss on what WORK means to us as followers of Christ. In this episode, we discuss on how we can go beyond the meaningless, pointless wo...

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June 3, 2023

LSP 167: Unfinished Business

Usapang CLOSURE? Having unresolved conflict in your relationships–especially in your marriage–creates tension that weighs on both you and your Langga. In this episode, we talk about its effects and on how we can manage it. ——...

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May 19, 2023

LSP 166: Thank You, Sorry & Goodbye

Have you ever ended a relationship with someone that left you feeling like there was still something you needed to say? Yung di ka nakapag-goodbye because you didn't have the opportunity to do so? We find it hard to move on w...

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May 13, 2023

LSP 165: Stewardship of Treasure

Are you a good steward of MONEY? Unfortunately, many reduce this beautiful spirituality to just a “nice way to ask for money.” We don’t get reactive on time and talent, but then when it comes to treasure, we don’t even want t...

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April 30, 2023

LSP 164: Stewardship of Talent

Every skill, talent, and ability is a gift from God. He doesn’t give them to us to keep for ourselves, but to bless others and build His kingdom. Our talents are God’s gift to us, what we do with them is our gift to God. Let'...

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April 29, 2023

LSP 163: Stewardship of Time

Beginning in conversion, change of mind and heart, this commitment is expressed not in a single action, nor even in a number of actions over a period of time, but in an entire way of life. It means committing one’s very self ...

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March 14, 2023

LSP 157: Aids for Discernment

Are there tools or aids we can use in discerning? In this episode, we'll tackle the aids we can use in our practice of discernment. In this concluding episode for the series of the Catechesis of Discernment, we discuss the in...

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July 23, 2022

LSP 124: Handling Money Together

PERA MO O PERA NIYO? Money is a hot-button topic in marriage and one of the most common things married couples fight about. In this episode we talk about how you can handle money together. It's easy to just put these topic un...

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April 23, 2022

LSP 111: Gift of the Gap

ARE YOU EASILY TRIGGERED? In this age of instant reactions whether via a text message, email or social, it's so tempting to just express what we feel at the moment. In this episode we discuss of the GIFT OF THE GAP can help u...

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Oct. 16, 2021

LSP 84: What Makes A Langga (Beloved) Home?

So how can we call a house a HOME? In this episode we talk about the qualities we look for in a home, what it's center should be and on how one can truly make it life's sanctuary. As for me and my house, we will serve the Lor...

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Oct. 9, 2021

LSP 83: To The Girls Who Inspire Me with Chinkee & Donna

What makes a girl a girl? As we celebrate United Nations' International Day of the Girl Child (October 11), join Apple as she reunites with Chinkee and Donna to speak about womanhood, authentic femininity and role models who ...

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Sept. 18, 2021

LSP 80: Ask Langga Anything II (Mostly SYMBIS)

In this episode we answer some of the questions from our livestream in our Langga Speaks Off-The-Record Facebook Group . Most of them are related to our Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts (SYMBIS) Episodes. Here are the qu...

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June 12, 2021

LSP 66: Loving Yourself with Sha Nacino

Sabi daw ni Justin Bieber, "You should go and love yourself." It's so easy to say but hard to do, right? That's what we all think. But, in our conversation with Sha Nacino, we learn that loving yourself doesn't always mean ma...

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April 24, 2021

LSP 59: Conservative Ka Ba? with Jay Aruga

#ESSENTIAL pa ba ang pagiging CONSERVATIVE ngayon? Join Apple and Jeric as they speak to the HOST of THE JAY ARUGA SHOW , the first conservative podcast in the Philippines, about reclaiming what it means to be a "conservativ...

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