St. Crescentia’s life embodies the verse from Luke 16:10.
“If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones. But if you are dishonest in little things, you won’t be honest with greater responsibilities.”
Known as “the little angel” in her town, she helped those who were poor despite being poor herself.
Life was a struggle.
Including her desire to enter the convent of the Tertiaries of St. Francis.
Crescentia couldn’t pay the dowry needed to support her convent life.
Finally, the convent accepted her after a Protestant mayor whom the convent owed a favor to pleaded her case.
Feeling forced to receive her, however, they made her life miserable.
Accounts say she was treated like a maid, “frowned upon and despised.”
The sisters saw Crescentia’s efforts to be friendly as mere flattery and hypocrisy; and when she experienced diabolical attacks, she was called a witch.
Despite the odds, she was faithful in every little thing given her.
Her life improved when a new superior, who saw her virtue, was elected.
Eventually, she was elected to lead the convent when her superior died.
Under her administration, the finances of the convent improved.
She was so good at managing finances that even heads of state and of the Church sought her advice!
Imagine if she just gave up.
Imagine if she wasn’t faithful to the little role God gave her.
I had nothing when I started here in Dubai.
No permanent job for 9 months.
All I had was the faith that God would never bring me to a place without a purpose.
With odd jobs, I managed every dirham I earned.
I believe that because I was faithful when I had little, God assigned me to the greater responsibilities I have now.
Those 9 months tested my stewardship.
This year, I will be celebrating 10 years in the company God eventually led me to.
St. Crescentia’s life shows us God ultimately expands our mission when we are faithful in small things.
Do you desire a promotion, success, or even a position of influence?
Be faithful with the little given to you.
- What are the small things that I’ve been faithful in? What are other things that need more work?
- What great responsibility can it lead to?
- Start identifying the things that you’ve been blessed with.
- Identify the blessings that you’ve worked on. Offer these to the Lord for Him to bless.
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