I must admit... recording this episode was bittersweet for me.
Imagine trying to give justice to over 40 years worth of brotherhood in a little less than 50 minutes, and knowing that it might be a while to be able to have another shot at it.
You see mga Langga, by the time that this episode is released, Papa Mar had already flown home to the Philippines after calling UAE home since 1981. Daddy and Papa would officially be living in separate time zones after 4 decades.
What can I share about re-listening to this episode? A few memories surfaced to the forefront of my memory. The time when our two families used to live under one roof in Rashidiya, with the 11 kids (5 Fuentes & 6 Dizo kids, yes, I know right?) causing all kinds of havoc in our path. Witnessing the two fathers serve God through their love of music by playing guitar and leading a congregation to worship. Hearing their laughter reminiscing memories that should only remain between brothers such as they.
But you know what mga Langga? The lessons I learned from recording this episode with these Godly men was only enhanced from observing them during the actual interview. You might call me emotional or hyper-sensitive, but the body language of these two men spoke volumes. Somehow I felt the Langga whispering to my heart the same words that He spoke to Samuel of David,
The Lord looks at the heart - 1 Samuel 16:7
Someone once said of these two men that their friendship was anointed long before they even met. It was God's Divine plan that these two men should cross paths and be cemented in His love. Isn't it too often that people pray this kind of prayer for their future spouse? But, how often do we ask the Lord for our future friends? Friends who will remain not only in times of joy, but be steadfast even in times of adversity.
Mga Langga, if I can, I would share about the numerous examples of faithfulness and love that I have witnessed in both of these men, even up to today. They have seen each other's bachelor's days to being a husband and father, from kneeling to Saint Michael to leading strangers in authentic worship of God's glory. They were there for one another during emotional hardships, financial storms, and even moments of physical trauma. But their hearts? Their hearts remain centered in love, and I believe that it was really, and only God's grace, that has sustained their love for another this long.
It was always a prayer of mine to pray for the future friends of my children. But the example of Daddy and Papa Mar only reinforced that prayer. How true is it that, "Bad company corrupts good character" (1 Corinthians 15:33). It may be that all of Jeric and my efforts to raise Joseph to be a Godly man may be ruined because of bad company. My prayer now is that even as early as now, God is molding the future friends of my children to be people who would lead them closer to God. Because as much as my Nanay mode would want, I can't control the friends that my children would have. I can only but place my trust that the Lord will not lead them astray.
Mga Langga, if you are reading this, I pray that you are surrounded with Godly people. Souls who will serve as a daily reminder that you are not alone, and that you are loved by God. I pray that no matter how many likes you get on your posts, or how many followers you have on your social media pages, or how many toxic people you have in your immediate vicinity, you would have those authentic people in your life who build you up than break you down.
If you do have them in your life, please let them know how grateful you are for them, in whatever love language they speak.
But if you are reading this and feel that you don't have those kind of people in your life right now, then I pray a special prayer of blessing over you. That the Lord may send a physical affirmation of His love to you through a specific person, or better, that the Lord may clear your sight, and open your heart to the person who has been there all this time but was never in your vision.
No matter what state you are in, no matter where you are, mga Langga, please please please…
Always remember, palangga ka sang Diyos.
- Apple